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Postdoctoral Research Scholar

Arizona State University

Arizona State University

Tempe, AZ, USA
Posted 6+ months ago

Arizona State University: Office of the Executive Vice President Knowledge Enterprise: Global Institute of Sustainability and Innovation: LightWorks


Tempe, AZ

Open Date

Mar 30, 2023


Arizona State University’s LightWorks® and Professors Ellen B. Stechel, James E. Miller, and Ivan Ermanoski invite applications for a Postdoctoral Research Scholar in the area of redox metal oxide thermochemistry. The postdoctoral research scholar will be taking a role in projects involving redox metal oxide thermochemical water and carbon dioxide splitting (solar and e-fuels), thermochemical energy storage, chemical looping, and chemical production, and encompassing activities such as detailed engineering modeling and analysis of unit operations including chemical reaction, heat and mass transfer, and separations; thermodynamic analyses of chemical systems; technoeconomic and scenario analyses; reactor and system design, construction, and characterization of novel thermochemical systems; and redox active materials development including synthesis, characterization, and evaluation of chemically reactive behavior.

Essential Duties:

  • Experimental or analytical design and implementation, data analysis, report/manuscript preparation, and mentorship of graduate and undergraduate students.
  • Assist in writing research proposals and seeking future funding.
  • Coordinating among team members, which will be essential for achieving project milestones.



  • Applicants must have a recent Ph.D. (within the past four years) in chemical, materials, or mechanical engineering or a closely related discipline.


  • Practical experience in at least one of the following, solar thermochemistry and concentrating solar power technology, construction and operation of high temperature systems including heterogeneous reactor systems, systems modeling and engineering, and computational fluid dynamics, or thermodynamics, is highly desired;
  • Familiarity with and competence in the design, assembly, and operation of laboratory reactor systems, and the synthesis of metal oxides and/or metal nitrides and with standard materials characterization techniques including thermogravimetric analysis, gas chemisorption, surface area analysis, gas chromatography, mass spectrometry, and x-ray diffraction;
  • Experience with the development and/or optimization of new redox active materials or processes will also be considered an asset;
  • Demonstrated motivation and aptitude for learning and taking on new challenges, collaboration, and clearly and carefully documenting results in the scientific literature is desired;
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills;
  • Ability to work effectively in a team environment, and effectively balance parallel work on several different projects.

Application Instructions

The initial application deadline is May 1, 2023. Applications will continue to be reviewed weekly thereafter until the position is filled. To apply, candidates will be asked to submit the following through their Interfolio Dossier:

  1. Cover letter specifying relevant qualifications and training;
  2. Curriculum vitae;
  3. Statement of current research interests and expertise (2-page maximum);
  4. Three professional references with contact information;
  5. Two or more peer-reviewed publications.

If you have questions, please email Ellen.Stechel@asu.edu.