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Assistant/Associate Professor, The Center for the Study of Guns in Society

Arizona State University

Arizona State University

Tempe, AZ, USA
Posted on Nov 19, 2024

Arizona State University: Office of the University Provost Tempe: The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences: T. Denny Sanford School of Social and Family Dynamics


Tempe, campus

Open Date

Nov 18, 2024


The Center for the Study of Guns in Society (CSGS), housed in the T. Denny Sanford School of Social and Family Dynamics (SSFD) at Arizona State University (ASU), invites applications for an Assistant or Associate Professor. This full-time, benefits-eligible, academic-year (9-month) faculty position will begin in August 2025. We will consider any candidate eligible for appointment as a tenure-track assistant or associate professor in August 2025 (e.g., current ABDs, recently completed Ph.D., postdoctoral scholars, current assistant or associate professors). This position is part of a cluster hire for the Center for the Study of Guns in Society (CSGS) in SSFD with potential for a joint appointment; the successful candidate will be invited to join one or more units within ASU.

Applications are encouraged from scholars across social science (broadly defined) with research expertise on guns, which may include, but is not limited to, the culture and politics of armed self-defense; gun violence and gun trauma; guns, identity, and inequality; gun markets, the gun industry, and gun trade; social movement mobilization surrounding gun rights and/or gun control; comparative/transnational approaches to guns in society, including the relationship between migration and guns; the intersection of guns, conservation, and environmental justice; and related topics grounded in social science approaches. Preference will be given to applicants whose research is oriented toward bridging divides within the gun debate, unearthing new opportunities for conversation, and (re)framing the terms of the gun debate in ways that serve the interests of the broader public, especially in Arizona. Note that this is an opportunity to play a pivotal role in developing a center uniquely focused on social science approaches to guns in a state with a dynamic and trend-setting terrain with respect to guns in society.

Inquiries can be directed to Dr. Jennifer Carlson at jenniferdawncarlson@asu.edu

About the Center for the Study of Guns in Society

CSGS is a new center at ASU that engages the topic of guns in society by drawing on the methodological and analytical expertise in the social sciences and adjacent disciplinary and interdisciplinary spaces. CSGS’s mission includes building data infrastructure necessary for more productive civic engagement surrounding guns in society; engaging underappreciated voices across the gun debate; and building scholarly community within the area of gun studies, including mentorship opportunities for scholars at all career stages. Key CSGS activities include the Guns Unpacked podcast, the BRIDGS Emergent Scholar Fellowship, the Annual Symposium, as well as the American Gun Experience, a longitudinal, qualitative study of gun attitudes in the US. Drawing on ASU’s charter of inclusivity, public values and community impact, CSGS imagines a different kind of space for the gun debate—one that brings rigorous and thoughtful data and evidence to understand where we are in the gun debate and where we might go next. See csgs.asu.edu for more details.

About The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences is the academic heart of Arizona State University, committed to improving communities on a local, national and global scale. We support the professional development and growth of our faculty and staff in their cutting-edge research to advance these aims. Within The College, our faculty engage with a large, multicultural and curious student body, guiding them as they grow into socially aware, critical thinkers and writers able to succeed in a wide range of careers and to address the challenges of the twenty-first century. Advancing the success of our students remains our top priority. To learn more about The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, please visit https://thecollege.asu.edu.

About Arizona State University

ASU exemplifies a new prototype for the American public research university. As articulated in the ASU Charter, ASU is a comprehensive public research university, measured not by whom it excludes, but by whom it includes and how they succeed; advancing research and discovery of public value; and assuming fundamental responsibility for the economic, social, cultural and overall health of the communities it serves.

Job Duties

  • Maintain and strengthen a record of scholarly productivity as demonstrated through peer-reviewed publications and/or books, external funding, presentations at national conferences, and other translational, scholarly activities
  • Teach undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral courses in person, online, and hybrid and contribute to CSGS’s Guns Studies Certificate (in development)
  • Advise and mentor students.
  • Support CSGS programming and activities
  • Provide service contributions to the school, college, university, and profession.


Required Qualifications

  • A Ph.D. in a social-scientific or related field (e.g., sociology, criminology, political science, anthropology, economics, communications, geography, history, empirical legal studies, public health, and other related fields) by time of appointment.
  • Strong evidence of a novel research agenda, and demonstrated potential for excellence in research, teaching, and service, commensurate with rank.
  • Potential or demonstrated excellence in teaching and mentoring at the undergraduate or graduate level, commensurate with rank.

Desired Qualifications

  • Potential or demonstrated excellence in developing a nationally recognized research profile in gun scholarship, commensurate with rank.
  • Potential or demonstrated excellence in conducting research that will contribute to and enhance CSGS’s national and international reputation, commensurate with rank.
  • Potential or demonstrated ability to secure external funding to support research, commensurate with rank.
  • Demonstrated commitment to working with faculty, staff, students and communities to advance the principles of the ASU Charter.

Application Instructions

The application deadline is December 18, 2024. Applications will continue to be accepted on a rolling basis for a reserve pool. Applications in the reserve pool may then be reviewed in the order in which they were received until the position is filled. Candidates will be asked to create or use an existing Interfolio Dossier to submit the following application materials:

  1. Current Curriculum Vitae
  2. A Cover Letter
  3. Research Statement
  4. Teaching Statement
  5. Name and contact information of three references (Name, email address, phone number)
  6. Two representative publications