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Heising-Simons Fellows in Quantum Gravity

Arizona State University

Arizona State University

Tempe, AZ, USA
Posted on Dec 5, 2024

Arizona State University: Office of the University Provost Tempe: The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences: The Beyond Center


Arizona State University Tempe Campus

Open Date

Dec 04, 2024


Job Details and Essential Duties

The Heising-Simons Collaboration on "Observational Signatures of Quantum Gravity" (QuRIOS) invites postdoctoral applications for up to seven Heising-Simons Fellows in Quantum Gravity, with an anticipated start date of September 1, 2025.

The QuRIOS collaboration was started in 2021 with the goal of bringing together theorists from different theoretical backgrounds to develop theoretically well-founded proposals of quantum gravity and to explore their possible observational signatures. We believe that connecting formal advances in quantum gravity to the natural world we live in could result in a true breakthrough. We therefore seek a paradigm shift that brings theory and observation together, helping to close the chasm between quantum mechanics and gravity. We will tackle foundational issues, effective descriptions, and observational tests of those effective descriptions.

The core faculty in the collaboration, located at four hub institutions, are Yanbei Chen (Caltech), Ben Freivogel (University of Amsterdam), Steve Giddings (University of California, Santa Barbara), Cynthia Keeler (Arizona State University), Maulik Parikh (Arizona State University), Erik Verlinde (University of Amsterdam), and Kathryn Zurek (Caltech). Our research interests span quantum gravity, particle theory, string theory, gravitational waves, and astrophysics. The collaboration features extended visits between the collaboration hubs, and yearly workshops of all collaboration members to discuss open research questions and progress. To learn more about the collaboration visit www.qurios.caltech.edu.

The ideal candidate will have technical skills to work in gravity and will be interested in exploring new questions related to possible observability of quantum effects in gravity, manifested in laboratory experiments such as interferometers, cosmological observation, or observation of astrophysical objects such as black holes via gravitational waves. This is a fiscal year (12 months), full-time, appointment with competitive compensation and significant research travel support. Postdoctoral scholar appointments may be renewed annually on a fiscal basis for up to four years. The position has funding for three years.

About The Beyond Center and Cosmology

Postdocs appointed to ASU will be part of the Cosmology Initiative (https://cosmology.asu.edu/) as well as the Beyond Center (https://beyond.asu.edu/). Additionally, ASU Physics is a member of APS-IDEA (https://physics.asu.edu/idea) and has joined the APS Chapters program (https://www.aps.org/membership/chapters.cfm).

About The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences is the academic heart of Arizona State University, committed to improving communities on a local, national and global scale. We support the professional development and growth of our faculty and staff in their cutting-edge research to advance these aims. Within The College, our faculty engage with a large curious student body, guiding them as they grow into socially aware, critical thinkers and writers able to succeed in a wide range of careers and to address the challenges of the twenty-first century. Advancing the success of our students remains our top priority. To learn more about The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, please visit https://thecollege.asu.edu.

About Arizona State University

ASU exemplifies a new prototype for the American public research university. As articulated in the ASU Charter, ASU is a comprehensive public research university, measured not by whom it excludes, but by whom it includes and how they succeed; advancing research and discovery of public value; and assuming fundamental responsibility for the economic, social, cultural and overall health of the communities it serves.


Required Qualifications:

  • PhD in Physics or a related field by the time of appointment
  • Strong record of publications and scientific research contributions in the field of interest

Desired Qualifications:

  • Demonstrated creative problem-solving skills
  • Interest in new research directions
  • Demonstrated technical skills in physics
  • Demonstrated collaborative skill
  • Alignment of research interests with the goals of the collaboration
  • Demonstrated commitment to working with faculty, staff, students and communities to advance the principles of the ASU Charter

Application Instructions

Application Instructions (please read carefully!):

For application to ASU, the application deadline is January 4, 2025. Applications for a reserve pool will continue to be accepted on a rolling basis. Applications in the reserve pool may then be reviewed in the order in which they were received until the position is filled. Candidates will be asked to create or use an existing Interfolio Dossier to submit the following application materials:

  • Cover letter
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Publication list
  • Research statement
  • Contact information (name and email address) for writers of three reference letters

Ideally, the cover letter (maximum one page) will address the candidate’s creative problem-solving ability, technical background, interest in exploring new directions, and collaborative skills.

Hiring decisions will be coordinated by the Collaboration, though offers will be extended from individual institutions. Fellows may also specify their preferences of institutions in the cover letter, and some Fellows will have the opportunity to be jointly appointed at more than one institution over the period of the Fellowship.

Please address any science questions to Dr. Cynthia Keeler or Dr. Maulik Parikh, or other collaboration members, and any administrative questions to Jeanette Perez, Jeanette.R.Perez@asu.edu.