SCCJ FA Pool CJ Systems AY25 - 26
Arizona State University
Arizona State University: Office of the University Provost Downtown: Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions: School of Criminology and Criminal Justice
Open Date
Mar 20, 2025
The School of Criminology and Criminal Justice (SCCJ) in the Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions at Arizona State University (ASU) invites applications for Faculty Associate positions during the 2025-2026 academic year. Faculty Associates are part-time, adjunct faculty who are hired on one-semester, renewable contracts to teach one or two (3-credit) courses (not to exceed 0.40 FTE) per semester, either in-person or online.
Faculty Associate positions are fixed-term appointments that are not eligible for benefits, sabbaticals, or tenure. Salary is based on qualifications and assigned teaching load. Official transcripts are required prior to employment. Individuals employed as Faculty Associates may not hold multiple, non-benefits eligible appointments at Arizona State University.
For this position, we seek to attract a pool of qualified people who are available to teach in-person courses on ASU’s campuses in Downtown Phoenix, Tempe, or Glendale, as well as a pool of faculty who are also able to teach online. Faculty Associates are required to use a lead syllabus and/or a course shell template that includes required books and assignments used across multiple sections of the same course.
About the School:
SCCJ is a school within ASU’s Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions. Watts College has a student body of over 6747 undergraduate and graduate students. SCCJ is a nationally-recognized leader in higher education and is highly regarded for its distinguished faculty and research productivity, as evidenced by it being ranked the #2 best graduate program in criminology and criminal justice in the United States by US News and World Report.
The SCCJ offers undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral degrees in criminology and criminal justice; undergraduate concentrations or certificate programs in correctional studies, criminal investigations, homeland security, juvenile justice, law and human behavior, legal issues in criminal justice, policing, and security studies; and graduate certificates in corrections leadership and management, crime analysis, homeland security, and law enforcement administration.
The SCCJ offers in-person graduate courses (for the Master of Science in criminology and criminal justice and the Ph.D. in criminology and criminal justice) on ASU’s Downtown Phoenix campus. SCCJ offers in-person undergraduate courses for the Bachelor of Science degree in criminology and criminal justice and the B.S. with a policing concentration on the Downtown, West Valley (Glendale), and Tempe campuses. SCCJ proudly offers its B.S. in criminology and criminal justice, Master of Arts in Criminal Justice (MACJ), Master of Science in Crime Analysis (MSCA), and Master of Public Safety Leadership and Administration (MPSLA) degrees all online, allowing students from around the globe to earn highly-valued degrees from one of the leading criminology and criminal justice programs in the world. For more information about the SCCJ’s opportunities for research, instruction, practice, student internship experience, and community-based service learning opportunities, please visit our website at
The SCCJ offices are conveniently located on ASU’s Downtown Phoenix campus in the heart of the fifth largest city in the United States. Our proximity to major criminal justice agencies enhances the opportunities for instruction, practice, student internship experience, and community-based service learning opportunities. The successful candidate will engage in teaching and mentoring students, and perform other duties as assigned by the Director of the School.
Job Duties:
The specific responsibilities of faculty associates are limited to teaching undergraduate and master’s level courses related to one or more of the following areas through the lens of social science: (1) community corrections; (2) institutional corrections; (3) correctional tools (i.e., risk assessment, motivational interviewing); (4) crime analysis; (5) domestic violence/intimate partner violence; (6) drugs and crime; (7) gangs; (8) gender and crime; (9) juvenile delinquency and juvenile justice; (10) media and crime; (11) organized crime; (12) race, ethnicity, and crime; (13) sex crimes; (14) victimology; (15) white collar crime; and (16) policing (i.e., introductory policing; police organizations, management, and leadership; police accountability).
All we do at ASU is guided and inspired by the University Charter, which reads:
Arizona State University is a comprehensive public research university measured not by whom it excludes, but by whom it includes and how they succeed; advancing research and discovery of public value; and assuming fundamental responsibility for the economic, social, cultural, and overall health of the communities it serves.
Successful candidates will demonstrate throughout their materials how their teaching will contribute to the fulfillment of this charter.
Our Commitment to ASU’s charter:
The School of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Arizona State University welcomes and encourages inclusion. We seek applicants and nominations from those who have experience teaching, mentoring, and developing research in ways that effectively address inclusion as noted in our charter. Our School, and indeed the entirety of our University, seeks to recruit and retain an inclusive workforce as a reflection of our commitment to serve the people of our state, to maintain excellence of the University, and to offer our students richly varied disciplines, perspectives, and ways of knowing and learning.
Required Qualifications:
Successful applicants must demonstrate the ability to contribute to the mission of the School and College through teaching. In addition, the following qualifications are required:
- For teaching undergraduate-level classes, either one of the following by the time of appointment:
- An earned doctoral degree in criminology, criminal justice, or a related social-scientific field (e.g., political science, sociology, psychology) from a regionally accredited university;
- An earned master’s degree in criminology, criminal justice, or a closely-related social science (e.g., political science, sociology, psychology) from a regionally-accredited university, and at least three years of related experience (teaching and/or practitioner experience) demonstrating increasing levels of responsibility.
- For teaching graduate-level classes, either one of the following by time of appointment:
- An earned doctoral degree in criminology, criminal justice, or a related social-scientific field (e.g., political science, sociology, psychology) from a regionally-accredited university;
- An earned master’s degree in criminology, criminal justice, or a closely-related social science (e.g., political science, sociology, psychology) from a regionally-accredited university, and at least six years of related experience (teaching and/or practitioner experience) demonstrating increasing levels of responsibility.
- Consistent with ASU’s Charter, a demonstrated commitment to inclusion.
Desired Qualifications:
- An earned doctoral degree in criminology, criminal justice, or a related social-scientific field from a regionally-accredited university;
- Experience working in the criminal justice professions (e.g., policing, courts, corrections, crime analysis, victims’ services, state or federal governmental agencies, criminal justice policy think tanks, etc.);
- Two or more semesters of teaching undergraduate or graduate-level courses with strong evidence of teaching effectiveness as demonstrated by student evaluations, peer evaluations, and prior course syllabi;
- For those who have never taught, the potential for teaching effectiveness as demonstrated by a sample syllabus for one or more courses;
- Experience with technology/course management systems; and
- Demonstrated excellent English written and verbal communication skills.
Application Instructions
Application Deadline:
Application deadline is May 30, 2025. Applications will continue to be accepted on a rolling basis for a reserve pool throughout the fiscal year (which closes on June 30, 2026). Applications in the reserve pool may then be reviewed in the order in which they were received until the position is filled.
Application Procedure:
Applicants must submit all of the following materials through an Interfolio dossier:
- A statement no more than 3-pages in length which includes the following:
- The applicant’s interest in this position and fit relative to the required and desired qualifications
- A paragraph on the applicant’s teaching philosophy
- A curriculum vitae or résumé that details the applicant’s educational and professional history, as well as the applicant’s complete contact information (mailing address, phone number, and email address);
- Two pieces of evidence demonstrating the applicant’s teaching effectiveness. Student evaluations are strongly preferred, but other evidence might include peer evaluations of teaching or a teaching portfolio (e.g., syllabi, sample assignments, sample assessments and rubrics, etc.); and
- The names and contact information of three references (name, title, organization, email address, and phone number). At least one reference needs to be a current and/or past supervisor.